Sunday, May 9, 2010

Open Letter to Gail on Mother's Day 2010

Hi Gail,

We miss you. Devon said that he doesn't know I feel cause my Mom is still alive. Devon is missing you. Last night grandma called and then Auntie Joy got on the phone.

All I heard in the other room, was, "Yes, Auntie Joy", "Yes, Auntie Joy." It was like you were talking to Devon. I can just hear Devon saying, "Yes Mother." He didn't need a lot of talking to, as I remember, because you would just give him one of those 'looks'.

Like usual, Greg, Devon and I had breakfast. This time at Denny's at 5:45. We miss Peter's Cafe though cause that was our regular Mother's Day place.

I wanted to eat Japanese with Devon tonight, just like we used to. So you could have your fish. I have been enjoying this place called Tampopo in Gardena. Killer ramen. Here is San Mateo it's either Himawari or Santa's. Oh yeah, we went to Himawari and I was dumb and ordered the chili ramen, which I could not eat. Sorry about eating your ramen with the steam pork. That was a good choice.

I miss basketball with Special Olympics. The season was short due to budget cuts. Everyone misses you being there. You would be so proud to see everyone. We almost finally beat coach Greg's team, but lost by two points. Good game though. It was kind of sad that Devon missed most of the season due to work. He works most weekends.

In fact, most of the family hasn't seen him, cause he hasn't been down. The finish of his first year at college is around the corner. He has done well. He's learned the bus system, is ironing his own work shirts which he wears to school on work days because he has to go straight from the bus to Safeway. They seem to like him there.

He did quit Kuk Sool Won. He wasn't going any more. By the way, teacher Paul is going to become a master in October. I know that it would have meant a lot to him if you were there to see him get promoted. But I know that you are rooting us all on, and are so proud of us.

Devon made it through another year of BSF, and rarely complained. He always wanted to go the the fellowships for the free pizza. He liked snack time going to the Country Store on Alameda de las pulgas for his free snack. Next week is our last week in BSF.

It's almost time for Devon to register for CSM. Department of Rehab is not going to pay anything anymore because he's working. It's gonna be a challenge with so much more homework.

It's good that he is going to relax this summer and hopefully he will be able to get his license. In a few weeks he's gonna go with Michelle and Richard and Diane to Disneyworld. He's not going to June Lake for the first hoo!!! A lot of the regulars are not going to be able to go this year. Please pray for the time. The theme this year is called 'God Colors'. Leigh and Katie and their family and Derek are going to be in Mammoth. Hopefully we will be able to see them @ June.

I saw Adora today at church and she was wearing a necklace that you had made for her and she told me that when you gave it to her, you asked her to tell you where to put the clasp, so that she could decide where she wanted the necklace to fall on her.

Last weekend, I went down to see Jackie and I knew that it was God that had me go on that weekend, cause also I had a nice talk with my Mom, and got to talk to Mike a little, then asked Mike if he could help with some plumbing at Jackie's. He and I hung out for a few hours.

I bumped into Meg, Susan and Dennis, Penny and Allie, Marian and June @ Tito's. That was a very nice surprise.

Say hi to everyone up there, please tell everyone thank you for cheering us on!!!

It was nice to write this, as it seems like we haven't talked for a long time.



mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

Gail, Jon and Devon: you three are the best!

Gail, I know you can see this in heaven, so I hope you're having some great surprises popping up!

Jon and Devon, keep on living life to the fullest!

Anonymous said...

Gail was the only person in my wretched and soon to be shortened life who never judged or put me down. She spoke honestly from the heart, Never did she put me down or make me feel of no value to the church or her. I was in a bad situation at an older church. I was attacked by some who exposed another person involved and totally destroyed their life. Gail spoke quietly about my comitted sin and that Jesus loves me still. I know my sins are ugly to God and He wants us to repent from sin. I am human and seem to sin mire than most. My relationship with Jesus is in process and is up to me to obey and act within the words of My Lord and Saviorur. Now which ever church I attend, there is judgement and since I am not up to their level of Christianity. So I don't fit in. I do admit that I am not blessed with social skills so I is hard for others to meet with.

Jon Yoshimine said...

Thank you for sharing your heart here. Back then and even now, Gail is pointing our hearts back to the loving arms of Jesus in which there is no condemnation.

May the words that I heard from Gail be her words of comfort to you. 'keep on going, don't give up. If you need help, ask for it....