I love this song it helped me though some tough times. I also want to add that Glory road also connects with the fact that we are doing things differently. You and coach Jeff have given people with disabilities a chance to play and show the world that it is are abliy and not disablities that counts
One of Gail's passions in life was community building - below are just a few organizations that were members of Gail's family. We encourage you to learn more about these groups and continue to build community, just as Gail did. (Click on the links below to visit the webpage):
Gail, cheering us on
Gail, your spirit continues to lift us!!!
Aaron and Gail-Team-Teachers
New Life
Devon after being baptized
Gail's Favorite Reads
Brian McClaren: The Secret Message of Jesus
C.S. Lewis: Everything
Eugene Peterson: The Message
Henri J.M Nouwen: Everything
Jim Wallis: God's Politics
John and Paula Sanford: Transformation of the Inner Man
Kathleen Norris: Amazing Grace and the Cloister Walk
Jon and Devon
I love this song it helped me though some tough times. I also want to add that Glory road also connects with the fact that we are doing things differently. You and coach Jeff have given people with disabilities a chance to play and show the world that it is are abliy and not disablities that counts
love always
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