Saturday, August 11, 2007

To Devon

Dear Devon,

I am thankful to the Lord that He provided a way for you to attend Redwood Christian Camp this past week. Thanks for calling me to tell me how you were doing early in the week. I was praying for you all week that you would remain open to all that God has for you and you would learn from Him and walk in His ways.

I heard that you shared your heart with others and received prayer. I'm thankful that you have a heart that is open to the goodness of God. I need to remain open to His goodness also.

I have been having a good time this past week. And yes I did cry this week. (I thought I'd tell you before you ask) Many of the tears fell just realizing how good he is and that we are in good hands.

The following verse has helped me. .....And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age'
Matthew 28:20. The Lord knows what we need. He is always sending us reminders that he hasn't forgotten about us, or has not abandoned us. He has shown this to me in the following ways this past week:

1. I was sitting outside during a break at work and was looking at the flowers growing in the sun and though about the verse, 'Consider the lilies, they don't worry about anything, but they rest under His care.' We can do the same. We don't have to worry.
2. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. God is with us. He shows us this through people. There have been some sweet visitations this past week. Uncle Peter told me about a time in 70's or 80's when Mom convinced him to go on a protest with her. We had a good laugh about this. I had an Al and Bea's burrito that uncle Peter brought from East La.
3. Bachan ironed a bunch of my shirts and through away a bunch of junk.
4. Auntie Sandee H. sent a to-do list and Bachan 'loved' crossing things off the list.
5. Ji-Chan and Ba-chan helped wrap Cd's and books so that they could be sent out.
6. Uncle Brian and Auntie Sandy stopped @ Bay City to say hi.

I'm looking forward to spending time with you when we go to Mt. Lassen together. It will be good to take some hikes and you can tell me what the Lord did at camp. It'll be good just to hang together. Please remind me to order some Netflix movies to take with us.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just stopped by on the web to see how you and your dad are doing. I keep coming back from time to time to read any new posts. I hope you're both doing fine.

"Mr. E" from the "O.C."