Saturday, February 23, 2008


A few thoughts, feelings and observations

I realized that I haven't journaled much in February, and there is a lack because of it. I had made a commitment to write a sentence of praise at the beginning of the day and another at the end of the day. Haven't done it. Ever make a commitment and not keep it? Instead of using energy to get down, I want to use it to write that ONE SENTENCE. pray for that.

Devon and I discussed the fact that the name Devon, means 'Poet.' He likes to busta rhyme. This came to mind as he grapples with content. I think that he might end up writing rhymes in his journal and it will be set to beats to uplift, challenge and bless his generation. Please pray for that.

I attend BSF, but haven't been putting much into it. I'm losing out. I'm showing up, but I need so much more than that. Please pray for: 'Be Still and Know that I am God.' time. Good together time with the Father.

Buddy Stewart shared His Story with family and friends last week. Cool.

At Mariners we are planning a period of Rest, Reflection and Renewal for both our pastor and for the church. The theme will be personal renewal, relational renewal and missional renewal.
My heart and vision for this time is:

1. That each person that is in relationship with the Mariners community will have shared at least one prayer request, have that prayer request prayed for, and know that that the prayer request was prayed for and have a means to share how the God who loves us met that request.
2. That each person that is in relationship with the Mariners community will have blessed another person wherever that might be, in their family, school, workplace, pilates, Le Petit Baleen, @ Safeway, Peet's, Happy Taco or wherever and have a means to share how the God that loves us blessed.

We want to experience the love of God in a 'hands on' way. Please pray for us.
We want the community to taste and see that the Lord, He is good.

Just watched a video from March 2007 from Rick Warren, on Personal, Relational, Missional, Structural and Cultural Renewal. Good stuff.

My work at Bay City is evolving and moving more into the area of my gifting. I have been asked to develop and spearhead a wellness program at the company. This is new stuff. This is cool to be able to do this in the marketplace. The wellness goes way beyond physical wellness. Relational wellness, personal wellness come to mind. Actually it's similar to what my heart is for Mariners as well. I'm being both freed up and released.

Uncle Steve has been working with Devon on his next swag at the Math Exit exam which will be taken in May. Thanks for your continuing prayers. Devon's grades have dropped off significantly since the semester. We're not panicking, but are concerned. This is redeemable.

Memorial Day @ June Lake. If you are planning to come this year, please let me know as soon as possible. Last year was such a celebration as we celebrated the goodness of God together in community. It was a blessing to pray for Kenji. Family was there. It was sweet. A memorable send off for Gail. I weep as I write this, but it's true.

My Aunt Liz sent me a verse this week. She said that she was led to send a verse about not losing heart. Pray 2 Second Corinthians 4 for us.

I'm thankful that Devon was able to stay with Grandma this week and spend time with family. I'm sure that this was good all around.

As I was in a funk this week. I was feeling so sorry for myself, God met me. I was doing some serious lamenting with no comfort. I was just too restless. He quieted me down enough to direct my lamenting to Him. I was feeling broken and he met me. I went to the bathroom of all places and there was a booklet of stories written to reach out to 2nd generation Japanese Americans who are dying off. God used one story in that booklet to speak to me. It was written by Caryn. It was about Kiku who wanted to go to Fedco, and not to Target, she went to Target against her wishes and met a longtime friend that had just lost a husband. Kiku herself had lost a husband and would write letters to other widows and widowers. ( I received such a letter from Kiku) Kiku and her friend went to Burger King and her friend poured out her heart about her grief.

The Lord used that story in my bathroom to send a message, is that He, like Kiku forsake his own life to make it possible for me to receive his comfort ane new life. I was able to find both comfort and refuge in Jesus because in that true story, I saw the comfort of God shining through.

Is life easy? Easily no. I have been finding that He is so faithful because my life is putting him to the test in real time.

I am finding that I am grateful, fearful, hopeful, thankful all at the same time. How can that be? And yet I'm not a basket case.

I'm thankful that Devon continues to repeat the following verse almost daily at the most opportune times. 'It's not by might, nor by power, but by my Holy Spirit says the Lord God Almighty'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey uncle jon,
watch this:
love you.(: